
intro text The cell cycle is the series of events that take place in a cell that drives it to divide and produce two new daughter cells. Through more than 100 years of efforts by scientists, we now have a much clearer picture of cell cycle progression and its regulation. The typical cell cycle in eukaryotes is composed of the G1, S, G2, and M phases. The M phase is further divided into prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis. Cell cycle progression is mediated by cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and their regulatory cyclin subunits. However, the driving force of cell cycle progression is growth factor-initiated signaling pathways that controls the activity of various Cdk-cyclin complexes. Most cellular events, including DNA duplication, gene transcription, protein translation, and post-translational modification of proteins, occur in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. To understand these cellular events and their underlying molecular mechanisms, it is desirable to have a population of cells post-translational modification of proteins, occur in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. To understand these cellular events and their underlying molecular mechanisms, it is desirable to have a population of cells that are traversing the cell cycle synchronously. This can be achieved through a process called cell synchronization. Many methods have been developed to synchronize cells to the various phases of the cell cycle. These methods could be classified into two groups: synchronization methods using chemical inhibitors and synchronization methods without using chemical inhibitors. All these methods have their own merits and shortcomings.


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